What is the problem if one person holds the power to say what the center of a word is?
How can we decide when interperate a "real meaning" from something and that we aren't just making stuff up? (i.e. the difference between knowing the curtains are blue because they represent the depression in the novel vs. blue is the author's favorite color)
The maid cared about him, although still slightly distanced
The parents didn't care about him at all
Father--famous media person, obsessed with power and appearance, does coke
Mother--affairs, appearance, absent
Jake knows that his parents don't care about him. He still loves them and accepts them with their flaws. Still chooses to go to another world (filled with danger and demons and no airconditioning) knowing that he might never see his parents again.
Movie (2017)
Jake's father was a firefighter and died saving people
Jake's mother loves Jake, but is worried that he is mentally disturbed and is trying to balance being a good mother and getting him help
Jake's step-father is openly hostile and it is revealed that he wants Jake committed both because he believes Jake is insane and he wants the mother all to himself